June 22, 2022

You're A Gadol Deal With It.

In today's lesson we learn an essential insight about self esteem. Knowledge of one's greatness is priceless. 

  • Step One towards your goal
  • Do you recognize who you are?

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Why do we do it? We destroy ourselves, we tear ourselves down. We get a 99 on a test and we immediately look for the one that we got wrong. We completely disregard the 99 correct answers looking to feel inadequate or inferior seemingly. The man the myth, the legend Rabbi Dr. Abraham J Twersky zichronim l'vracha commented on July 16 2020, that excluding all major psychiatric issues, all problems lead back to low self esteem. Your Shalom Bayis, your Middos, your desires low self esteem. It's a trap. We think we are being righteous by saying I'm a pusheta yid. I am humble. No, that is low thinking. He says we do this because the minute that we recognize our gadlus that would obligate us to start acting that way. Low thinking exonerates me from having to act better. Low self esteem is the Yetzer Harah masquerading himself as humility. You're a Gadol deal with it.