June 20, 2022


All we have is our choices and our work ethic. You are your decisions. Choose Tzaddik.

  • Why you are the sum total of your life choices
  • Rambam's view of Bechira

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You really have nothing else. You just have your work ethic, right? That's all that you have. You wake up and a lot of your life story's already been written for you. From the day you're born. You don't get to choose your family. You don't get to choose your financial bracket. You don't get to choose your friends all that much; from where you're born. You could be born out of town you can learn like me, you got like five kids in your class and you have to be friends with them. The only thing that you can control is Hakol B'yidai Shamayim Chutz MiYiras Shamayim. You have free will. You have the ability to choose right or wrong; Yes, no. So every decision that you make, that's really who you are. My Safta used to say that a human being is a sum total of the choices that he makes, because that's really all that we are. You want to go down as a Tzaddik then you choose to be a Tzaddik. You want to go down as a Rasha that's also something, but it's the choice that's really what makes us