April 15, 2024

The Unseen Shield: Finding Faith Amidst the Fury of War with Iran's Attack on Israel!

As the sun set on another Shabbas, the alarming news that Iran had entered the conflict with a barrage of missiles and drones transformed our peaceful respite into a scene from a harrowing war movie. Witnessing the launch of these weapons, akin to fiery school buses, the severity of this new reality hits close to home. In our latest episode, we grapple with the impact of this escalation on everyday life—shuttered synagogues, disrupted routines, and the constant reminder that safety is a fragile luxury. Through personal reflections, we explore the emotional toll of living under the cloud of war and the difficulty in maintaining faith in such trying times.

Amidst the chaos, we also find inspiration in the words of the Ponevezher Rav, Reb Yitzchak Yaakov Rabinovich, whose insights into divine intervention during perilous times offer a glimmer of hope. We discuss the miracles that spared countless lives, as hundreds of missiles miraculously missed their mark and the sobering fact that every moment of our existence is part of a greater orchestration. This episode is a call to recognize the unseen miracles, to lean into prayer and hope, and to hold firmly onto the belief that each narrow escape is a testament to a higher power at work. Join us for a poignant conversation that reaffirms the power of faith and the human spirit in the face of relentless adversity.

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00:00:01.203 --> 00:00:05.793
a decades-long war breaks out on the home front.

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When Iran joined the war, bringing the shadow war to the front and center of attention.

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After they launched 300 missiles and drones at Israel, sending men, women and children into bunkers, synagogues and yeshivos closing sending home the congregants, halting rabbis from traveling to and from important events and meetings.

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Lives on the line.

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We all saw the news, mati Shabbos, that Iran was joining this war and it can be a sobering reminder when you see the footage of what Iran did, when they shot missiles that we just assumed to be.

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You know missiles, people shoot them back and forth, but the picture just kind of hit me in a weird way.

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They launched, they look like fiery school buses.

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These things are huge at my siblings and it's real war and it's hard to comprehend, especially after what's been a couple months now of constant fighting.

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Even the Psalms that we say after davening can feel second natured quickly, and the war efforts and even death, god forbid can feel second natured quickly and the war efforts and even death, god forbid can feel monotonous.

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You can get used to it, desensitized.

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These are the aftershocks of war.

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So it feels very important to remind ourselves of what the great it'saloponovich or Reb Yitzchak Yaakov Rabinovich responded when he was asked why it says in Hala this is a beautiful perspective about war Hala lu'as Hashem kol goyim shabechu kol lo'umim ki gavor.

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Aleinu chaser v'yem as Hashem lo'aylam halaluka.

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He was asked why is it that we say in Psalm 117 that he'll proclaim the praise of God's mighty acts?

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All of you nations, lord him, all of you tribes of mankind, why is it the man said to the Panovich Rebbe sorry, ripp, it's a Leponovitcher that all of a sudden the Jews care that everyone else should laud God?

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Why is it that they can sing some sort of praise and laudation that the Jews can't?

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And Rav Yitzhapanovich said because you know, we don't know all of the different sakhanos, traps and bombs that we were saved from your evil dictators and rulers.

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That set the exact coordinates of these missiles and they press send and they press fire.

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Exact coordinates of these missiles.

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And they press send and they press fire.

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And all of a sudden, because of some miraculous event, it went far left or far right and missed us.

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That is an event that only you can sing shira for, because we didn't even know that we were saved iranian drones.

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They launched these 300 of them, these missiles, and 170 of them didn't even cross into Israeli airspace.

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30 cruise missiles failed to reach Israel, 25 more intercepted by fighter jets.

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It's important to recall that, the miracles, they still transpire in front of our eyes and that every single missile is on a rope, it has the exact location and longitude and latitude of where it's going to land.

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And there was one casualty, it seems.

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A bedouin of a different religion was deceased.

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Some shrapnel hit them.

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But we can't lose sight of that, even in chaos of war.

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It isn't chaos because Hashem still orchestrates everything and we must do our part to storm the heavens to hope that God hears our and puts an end to this.

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But hallelujah, because they know, only Iran knows just how miraculous it was that these fiery school buses did not hurt even one Jew.

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We must remember that everything is from Hashem, inch by inch.

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Hashkacha Pratis is precise.

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We shouldn't lose faith.

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We should pray that much harder that Hashem bring this war to an end very, very soon.