July 9, 2023

Shalom Aleichem! How To Live Forever

What if peace is more than just relaxation or a state of tranquility? We invite you on a journey into the heart of Shalom, a term deeply rooted in concepts of peace, wholesomeness, and complete contentment. In this enlightening conversation, we unravel the paradoxical relationship between peace and violence, as exemplified by the story of Pinchas. We discover that Shalom is the ability to unify one's motives—synthesizing and working with absolute purity.

Shalom emerges from a world that signifies wholeness and full content. Join us as we delve deeper into its importance and significance. We leave you with a powerful message to find your Shalom and unify, rectify, and internalize your motives to achieve total peace. Tune in and allow the beauty of Shalom to transform your life.

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Speaker 1:

Shulam comes in all different shapes and sizes. Some find their piece with a sleepy conscience and a good read, a good book. Others find it in a pleasant walk through the park and those who are above 21 might find it with a corona, a lime relaxing hose in the sand on the beach. Perhaps that is a description of something other than Shulam. Perhaps that's relaxation. Perhaps Shulam is something different and it comes from. Really, when you explore the gift that was bestowed upon Penhas after he acted with such lechema cruelty No, let's say better, with this barbarianism of total purity, a murdering for the sake of the Almighty that was such a mitzvah And so right, it's odd to discover that he was gifted peace for this murder. What's the relationship between murdering and peace? And we are forced to redefine what the word Shulam means. See, etymologically speaking, shulam comes from the word Shulame wholesome, full content and actually, if one looks inside of the partial, you'll find that Shulam has actually got a sliced off vuv and it really looks like the word Shulame this week. Shulam means to be able to act, to do something with a total unification and an in gathering of all of one's different mitos, to perfectly synthesize and do something with all of its pure motives there, to salt your action with some love, to pepper it with some intensity and to finish it off and really grill it on a skillet of Yira and Musa. Total Shulamus, a full action. And that was what Pinchas did. He went to the top level of Shulamus and he killed one of the most wild and barbaric acts that one can do, totally Lishema and with total peace, for the right reasons, and that's why he was gifted Shulamus, gifted Shulam, the Cholnesi, voseha Shulam. All of the Almighty's ways in the past of Torah are Shulamus and are packed with peace, a perfect unification of all mitos and of all Torah. It's actually a Kli in Lomatzah, kaddash Baruch, where the Almighty did not find a vessel to house all the blessings of the Jewish people, except for in the Kli of Shulam. Total Shulamus, total peace. It is a new understanding of what happens when you say Shulam alehem to somebody else, to your friend, unbelievable. And the truth is that Shulamus and Shulam brings to a long life, because it's shocking that the Safferno tells us. Perhaps you know that Pinchas actually never died, because I'll tell us, he turned into Elio Wannavi and he continues to live on and that's because death comes from an inability to unite and to find peace with all of one's different mitos and to have such anxious feelings that he cannot tolerate but Shulam, but total peace at the level of Pinchas that he was able to kill with such unified internal Shulam. Someone like that never dies and it's not a miracle because Shulam lives on and there is no death and no end to the story when one finds internal peace. So find your peace, unify, rectify, internalize and ingather all of your mitos and make sure that you're acting with pure motives and using all of the different gifts that you have to come to total Shulam.