March 27, 2023

Pesach 2023

Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, is a Jewish holiday commemorating the Israelites' liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt. It is celebrated for seven days, with the first and last days being special holidays. On the first night of Passover, Jews gather around the table to celebrate freedom and tell the story of their ancestors' exodus from Egypt. The first night of Pesach is an integral part of the holiday. During this time, families come together to share a meal known as a Seder. This meal includes traditional foods such as matzah (unleavened bread), charoset (a sweet mixture of apples and nuts), and maror (bitter herbs). As they eat, family members take turns reading from a book called the Haggadah which tells the story of how God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. At each stage of the Seder, special rituals are performed to remind us of our ancestors' journey out of Egypt. For example, during karpas (the vegetable course), we dip parsley into salt water to symbolize tears shed by those enslaved in Egypt. The night of Pesach is about remembering our past and looking forward to our future. We use this time to reflect on what it means to be free and how we can work towards achieving freedom today. We also make sure that everyone at our table feels included by inviting guests so they can learn more about our culture and history. The night of Pesach is an opportunity to unite as a community and celebrate freedom while reflecting on our shared history as Jews. Whether celebrating with your family or attending a Seder with friends, it will surely be an unforgettable experience!

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