June 20, 2022

Handcuff Him!

This insight helps one in his climb to spiritual greatness. Use this method daily, and see results!

  • The fastest way to change yourself and the world
  • How to lock yourself into success 

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Handcuff him. This is a new practical tip in fighting the Yetzer Hara. You ever wonder why you go to a siyum? You're celebrating that somebody finished a tremendous amount of Talmud. They learned for years perhaps, and we celebrate with meat and wine? Seems like the opposite of what we should be doing. We should be celebrating with something spiritual. Why do we become so physical after we celebrate something spiritual? R' Wolbe suggested a new insight to this perhaps there's many answers, but he said we must handcuff the Yetzer Hara. He's very takif meod he's very strong he is tremendously wise, and we really have no shot without Hashem by our side. But a strategy we can use is to handcuff him, to make him have to give in to us. How do you do that? You tell yourself when I finish this tractate I am going to buy myself a $100 bottle of wine and I'm going to grill a cowboy steak. The Yetzer Hara has to give into that. Boom you got him on your team. If you can handcuff him into success in your Ruchniyos you found a new way to fight back.