June 20, 2022

Chitzoniyus Changes Your Penimiyus!

This point changes everything. Change what you can and watch the magic happen!

  • How to literally rewire your brain
  • The tried and tested method to climb the latter to success 

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So this point really does change everything. We're busy the whole day trying to change ourselves and then hopefully we'll come across as better nicer people but the Sefer Hachinuch tells us that the opposite is true. You're just there's a smarter way to be doing things. You first change your outsides and then you change your insides the Chitzoniyos is M'oreres Hapenimiyus. This is the idea that the Mesilas Yesharim the Sefer Hachinuch and probably a lot more gedolim all I'll talk about. It was the mantra motto in the Slabodka Yeshiva in yester years. So if next time your a little down about something and you're trying to make yourself happy and thinking about it. There's a cheat code, you just smile, you just pull your face your cheeks up on the outsides to force yourself to smile, because the Chitzoniyos is the outsides are M'oreres Hapenimiyos it's really a cheat code to change the way you think and the way you act. Do the outsides do the seemingly unimportant things and that actually changes the important things